A Letter from Oliver Sacks to Edward Podvoll Upon Hearing of His Illness
Dear Ed,
I have just received your FAX. I am very sorry, first of all, to hear of your own medical problems, but glad that you are in good spirits and able to continue with “Windhorse.”
I would be happy to see your friend Mr. M. (though he should realize that I will merely offer him my ‘take’ on his situation, and am in no sense providing a ‘definitive’ judgment). I will be away (in India!) in the earlier part of February, but come back on the 16th or so. I see patients at my clinic in NYU (on Tuesday afternoons). I would want, prior to seeing him, all available medical records etc. about his illness. Kate Edgar, my assistant, could then help set up the appointment, either via you, or with Mr. M. direct.
A future project, for me, is to take a look at the “natural history of schizophrenia,” with particular reference to the ‘resilience’ of (younger) patients — and this, of course, is an area to which you have devoted much of your life. So, perhaps, this is the time (or will be, when you are up to it) to discuss some of these matters, and perhaps pay a visit to you or ‘Windhorse.’
I will try phoning you as well — but am more of a letter-writer than a phoner.
I hope you are soon fully restored, and send you my warmest best wishes,